Friday, August 24, 2012

See if this works for you...

Photo's from the event. Not sure if it's invite only.

so since almost no photo's show up under our names on the TM website

Search for these bib numbers - Im only adding what i can see from our group photo, so please add your bib if its not in here.

71655 72705 73306 71969 73338 74966 73575 71542 71525 71631 71632 72897 73574? 72603? 72604?

I cant see Shawn ( non colbeck ) or Paul E - Also the ones with question marks, not too sure.

enter the Numbers in here -

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

So... right after Tough Mudder... What did you eat?

I had triple burgery thing at Wendys, looked like the one on the right... it was delicious...

Monday, August 20, 2012


I can't believe how fast 9 months passed. Even more unbelievable is the progress every single one of you made over that time. 100% of you did it on your own and thats the most impressive thing to me. You self motivated yourselves for the entire winter, spring and summer to prepare for this and you should all be proud of your accomplishments. I can't imagine a more fun group to do it with. Sure we were slow but remember, its an event, not a race. Plus, the way I see it, we had more time to enjoy the day and the views from the top of those 'effing hills. I'm glad we didn't rush, it wouldn't of been as fun.
Ricardo took a slew of pictures yesterday and I'll spend some time going through them and getting some to you. There are some really awesome ones of practically everyone. Here's the team picture for now. All clean, fresh and smiley.

I also want to thank you guys for not throwing me out a window when I suggested it. The fact that you all stuck to it shows your dedication. I guess that leaves me with only one more thing to say....



Sunday, August 19, 2012

Go Team! and Thank you!

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to say, FREAKIN AWESOME! Tough Mudder was as a blast and I can't wait to do it again next year. I'm really glad to have had such an awesome team as you guys. A special Thank you to Mr. Colbeck and Sean, I wouldn't have made it over some of those obstacles without you guys, so Thank you! Also to Sweigot and Tyler, Thank you for being my landing pad at the bottom of the walls. I was really afraid of further hurting my legs/feet on those, but you guys helped me out...(I feel so good tonight, I even cancelled my physio appointment for tomorrow :) And everyone else, your encouragement really meant a lot and helped me get through some of those hills...especially that mudder effing HUGE one in the middle. So my plan is get faster and stronger for next year, especially now that I have an idea of my weaknesses this time.


(also Chris doesn't really write on the blog, his finger is doing better. The doctor we went to was a bit of a quack, but he said that if it was discolated or broken he wouldn't have been able to move it at all, and that the reason why it looked crooked was because of the swelling, He's going for x-rays tomorrow to make sure he doesn't have any fractures on his 4th and 5th metatarsals, but it is already looking a lot better as of this evening..and he says that he's in for next year as well :)

Friday, August 17, 2012

another time my friends

unfortunately as a few of you know I injured my knee two weeks back. On tuesday I had doctors approval but by thursday I had a swollen and throbbing knee. As much as I want to do tough mudder I want to be there for my boys so I am taken medical advice and sitting this one out. There will be other events and runs... which as soon as I am recovered I will conquer!!!! In the meantime kick ass everyone!!! I will definitely miss out the event!

From my physio therapist "If you have an active inflammation response in your joint, it is always best to rest it up and practice P.I.E.R. Pressure- controls the inflammation, use of a tensor bandage to contain the swelling is appropriate,  Ice- 15 minutes per hour, Elevate-lying on couch with knee about 10 inches above the heart, and most importantly Rest- as in no participating in potentially aggravating conditions. I would have to qualify the knee brace you have to see if it will restrict the motion of the ligament that we would suspect. If it is just a warm neoprene sleeve like brace, it won't do much for the stability of the knee.
I never like adivising people to sit out of their event or training, but I think your knee may have already made that decision for you. So, it may be best to sit this one out Amanda."
I will defeat the next challenge but must sit this one out!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Don't forget to bring

Was researching, "things to bring" when doing Tough Mudder or a marathon, and in a different part of their website they say to bring your confirmation email.

...also if you suffer from *ahem* "runner's trots", a separate site suggests taking an Immodium the morning of the race. Apparently there's no help for a small bladder though :(

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Upon Arrival.

Follow these 4 steps upon arrival at Mount St. Louis Moonstone Ski Resort

Step 1) Bring Your Signed Death Waiver.

Step 2) Pick up Your Participant Packet – find your last name in participant or military registration lines. All participants must bring two forms of valid ID, one of which must have your picture. You will NOT be allowed in without proper identification. No exceptions. In your packet you will find:
  • 4 Safety Pins
  • Your Bib
  • Green Wristband: your participant band that goes on your WRIST
  • Pink Wristband: your bag drop tag that goes ON YOUR BAG
  • If you are 19 or over, you will also receive an ORANGE Dos XX wristband so that you can enter the beer gardens!
  • A primary ID One that is government issued with name, signature, photo and birth date such as a photo driver’s license or passport
  • A secondary ID that shows an imprint of name, and signature or a picture, such as a credit card or school ID.
Step 3) Get your Face Marked

Step 4) Don’t Throw Up

more info - 

Monday, August 13, 2012

That Extra Gear

So with a few days before the big event, I thought I would share my  "Exercise on Vacation" story and give a little advice on how to find that extra gear when you think you're already maxing out.

It was the 5TH day of camping in Algonquin park when I decided to run the trails instead of the highway.  I was about 3k into an 8k run when I heard a large rustling in the bushes beside me.  That was when I realized that no matter how hard you think your heart is working, a noise in the bushes 3k into the woods will still get it beating faster.

When I realized that the large "something" was actually a moose, my heart jumped into yet another gear but curiosity got the better of me and I pulled out the phone that is my running companion to try to get a photo.

Then when the moose decided that she didn't want to share her path with me and started running toward me...

Well, let's just say that whoever came up with your age minus 40 as a way of determining your "Maximum" heart rate has probably never seen a 600 lb moose coming their way.

See you all on Sunday morning!!!


Soooo......the day is almost upon us, but I have no way of getting up there. Is there anyone with space in the car on Sunday morning? I can even stay the night at Leo's, as he lives close(er) to the highway on Islington & Steeles. Otherwise I'm a no go......and that would really suck. I can't go a day earlier because I'm shooting a wedding til probably 12am. Let me know if any of you can help me out. My cell # is 647-338-0477.

Also....I'm really looking forward to this:


- Swieggy Pop

Friday, August 10, 2012

Tough Mudder tips

.....gloves are looking like a good idea

Friday, August 3, 2012

Beach workout

We agree with Amanda, just because you are on vacation doesn't mean you can't workout. We were at the Pinery in Grand Bend, (Lake Huron) over the weekend so the Misses and I did some overhead squats, (with some washed up logs) and handstands to get warmed up. Then one of us did a 400m beach run while the other did 10 air squats, 10 pushups, 10 jump lunges and 10 tricep dips, (keep repeating until your partner returns from the run) for 5 rounds as fast as we could. Cool down? Hours in the water and the beach. I gotta do that more often!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


9:00am August 19th (google map from thier site)

Travel Time

From Toronto: 1 hour, 45 minutes
From Hamilton: 2 hours
From Buffalo, NY: 3 hours

Let talk about rides in the comments section.

Order of Operations

If nothing else listen to the part about Jure Robic. 16:50 if you want to skip right into it. 

Physiologist Dr. David Jones tells us how to trick the voice in your head that tells you you're exhausted. Then we follow two men, Patrick Autissier and Jure Robic, as they bike across the country as fast as they can in a crazy race called The Ride Across America.

Below is the order of events from the course we will be on. Looks like fun guys! 


What are the details of the big even? start time meeting place?? thanks :)

training on vacation

Thought you would get a laugh on me training up in cottage country, running on the country roads near algonquin is challenging uneven ground and lots of hills, and even kids jumping on your back!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

New Tough Mudder Map

Hey everyone!

I took the new tough mudder map and measured out the distances in between the obstacles, and here it is!

I also took a couple of pictures from our last Wednesday workout while we were doing monkey bars. Hopefully we can get more people out next week!

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Three more til Tough Mudder. You should come if you can make it. I am drenched with sweat at the end of them...
So far we did the Mudderling workout for two weeks, and last week did the Maybe Mudder. I think we are planning to do the Maybe Mudder again this week. And then maybe the Tough Mudder workout for the last two?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Are you hitting your goals?

Just wanna brag about the fact that I hit my goal of 70 pushups in one go. Next goal is 80 :)

How are you doing?!?!?!?!?

Monday, July 9, 2012

wednesday workouts

I don't have everyone's email address so figured I should post this up here too.

Chris had the idea that we should start training together once a week to make sure that we're all at the same level training wise, and using the tough mudder training program.
He's currently on a plane from Ottawa right now, I figured I'd send out the all-call.

Anyone interested on meeting up at the music garden at 6.30 after work on wednesday? (and every wednesday after that).
We can start off doing the mudderling training.

Please forward this along if I've missed someone.

Also, don't forget the day of, you have to bring stuff. They tell you about it here:

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


With only about 6 weeks left until Tough Mudder, it's worth asking, "What is your goal for the month of July?" The current heat wave is making things really difficult for those who want to train outside. 30+ degrees (86+ F for the old schoolers) and smog doesn't make for a good time.

Personally, I'm looking to run 150km this month. If I can blade an extra 150km, that's just a bonus. I'm also targetting 100 straight push-ups and 20 straight pull-ups (have to get to 10 first!) by the end of the month.

Maybe a another question should be, "What is your best excuse for July?" :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

How to train if you can't make it to the gym!

Some days I don't go to the gym, I'm not going to lie, either I'm busy or tired. So I do at home workouts. Jump rope, chinups on monkey bars, pushups, you name it. Sometimes if your at home workouts aren't cutting it add some weights. See below

I upped my plank weights at home by using a 26lb baby

needed more weight so added a 30lb toddler

decided the kids in my area need to workout with me so I yelled plank!

What are you doing to train???

Just joined this group about three weeks ago to help motivate me to stay in shape after Ride for Heart. Well it's working!

Did my 75km Ride for Heart with Laura Roy in just over 3 hours!! Had a training session with Mike (he needs no caffiene) Swiegot! And now am planning my 32km route bike ride to work tomorrow!!

training for Ride for Heart with Laura

I finished 75km and continued to bike till 87km cause I'm crazy like that

refueling at a pit stop during ride, gels and protein bars for all!

the brutal 6am start, I had coffee that's why I'm smiling!
This heat sucks for training, so I definitely suggest before 8am or after 8pm, it's so hot out there and inside (if you don't have AC like me and am currently hiding in the basement to stay cool)!

Monday, June 18, 2012

When is tough mudder again?

So whens the actual date? I really think we should get that count down timer going. Shawn if you grant me access to the blog as an admin ( muah hahaha ) I'll put one up. I know there's one somewhere in there. Or you could do it, but I'd be more than happy to do it. (Muah hahaha)

Friday, June 15, 2012

When I don't feel like going to the gym...

...I watch a tough mudder video:

It's a sufficient kick in the pants for me to not only hit the gym, but go as hard as I can.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Where the hell am I?

   The family and I are in the very small town of New Carlisle in Gaspe Quebec. I know, I'd never heard of it either. This is stop number 3 on our East Coast Excursion. After driving 1600km in 3 days I needed to do something so I headed out for a run. Little did I know it would turn into a mini-mudder practice! You see, there are about three roads here. All of which turn to dirt then to a trail then to a large body of water like the Atlantic ocean, (you've probably heard of it). You know you're in trouble when the GPS deosn't know where you are. I was using run keeper but it got confused.

    I had fun, well mostly. As the road turned to gravel, then to dirt and eventually a trail of mud and water. It was ideal Mudder practice. My shoes are soaked and muddy, as well as the lower half of my body. I did 14.5km in 1:30:24. What did I learn? Mud is wet, cold, slippery and kinda fun. However it does slow you down. You need to take little steps so you do 't wipe out. A lot like walking on ice but messier!

   After that I went for a, ahhh, refreshingly invigorating dip in the aforementioned ocean. The temperature was around 55-60 degrees celsius. I couldn't feel my legs. Literally. Something else to look forward to during the Mudder.

Count down?

I think we should get some kinda countdown clock on here to the main event. I know there are a ton of websites that offer copy paste code for a count down clock. I'll take a look around and maybe Shawn can put it somewhere on the page.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Success from out of town.

Just so the Toronto crew is't worrying about the wild card from Ottawa, I thought I would check in.  Last weekend was the National Capital Marathon. While I'm not quite crazy enough to try the full marathon, I did manage to complete the half(21.2km) in 1:36:08. (Just over 4:30/km)

Shawn (Colbeck) had me out this morning for a nice little jog through the park here in Ottawa.  By park I mean play structure, so I'll let you fill in the grueling details of what special tortures he came up with.

Looking forward to meeting everyone in August

Friday, May 25, 2012

So I have found an AMAZING app that everyone with a phone should try out. step 1 , select a time interval, step 2 , select the kind of work out you feel like doing, ( upper lower, core, full body etc...) step 3 , push start and do all of the random cross fit style workouts for 30 second intervals with breaks every 1:20 or 2:00 min. Try it out! I just tried it with Caputi, Yaleh, and Kelvin today.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Hey Everyone,

So I stumbled across this today:

Basically it's an obstacle training course, they have 3 heats every saturday in June July and August.
Prime Tough Mudder training me-thinks, especially on a mental level.

It's $30 a pop, but there's a Living Social Deal on right now where you pay 30 bucks and get 2 entries.

Here's the "share with a friend" link they gave me after I bought mine.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Its been mighty quiet around here lately so I thought I'd put a challenge out there.

For time:
100 push-ups
100 squats
100 crunches

Here are the rules:

1. Push-ups: chest MUST touch the ground and arms must be fully extended at the top for the rep to count. Doing them on your knees is acceptable.

2. Squats: knees should be at 90 degrees at the bottom of the squat. I used my couch as a guide, (if my butt touched it I was low enough). We're all different heights so find a box, stack pillows, have your roommate crouch on all fours just get low!

3. Crunches: feet off the ground and knees at 90 degrees. Make it a good range, no 1 inch crunches.

4. You get a minute break between exercises so subtract 2 minutes from your total time. Post your time.

5. Most of all, don't cheat. Every time you cheat I will know and I will punch a kitten.

See the awesome illustrations for technique. If you are still confused then youtube them, there are lots of good how-to's out there.

You have 3 days to do the challenge.... GO!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Music Garden Thursdays

Sam, Steph, and me (and hopefully some others) are going to do the Music Garden Workout after work on Thursdays. Meeting at March Entertainment at 5:30pm and doing a short run where we will hopefully meet Shawn Schwartz at the Music Garden at 6:00pm. (run will probably be to Coronation Park and back to the Music Garden) Perhaps others will make an appearance! If you can make it, come on down.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

This is how men bake cakes.

So, when you're not training for Tough Mudder, this is what you should be doing for your significant other.

Baking cake!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Workout 1.0

Today's workout went really well. 9 people showed up despite the wind and bad directions, (sorry Tyler, I had to take that shot at you). This was the first time that most had done the Mudder workout and I think they'll all agree its a tough one. I'm always tired after it.

We will do more of these as the spring/summer commences, (if you want). We were thinking of having one every couple of weeks so there should be no reason to not see all of you at least once. More to come as time moves along.

One thing that came up is most of you are concentrating on the running portion which is great but don't forget the muscle conditioning as well. From what I've heard, if you can run a 5km you will be okay with the running part. The rest of the time you will need those muscles to get you over walls, through fires and of course, to wipe the tears from your eyes. So if you haven't already, start on the prescribed workout from the Tough Mudder website.

Here are a couple of shots from today. There were two folks that had to get back to work before we took these. We'll get you next time.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Lets finalize tomorrows work out! Sign in under this post in the comments section!

SO! Here's the spot that we usually work out that is close to both toonbox and nelvana and just down the street from Arc. It's kinda been a meeting point for all of us who are still doing the training. If this works for Shawn this is where I believe we should all meet tomorrow at 12:15.

If you agree with the above, sign in in the comments section for this post.

See ya tomorrow guys!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Monkey Bar Obstacle Training Exercises

I am most afraid of failing the monkey bars (and I probably will)... and found this video which shows some exercises to do on a chin up bar to prepare for them.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Group Workout

It seems the good weather is upon us so I think its time we all got together for a group workout, (those of us that are geographically close anyways). This might take a bit to put together so lets start talking about it now. I think the Nelvana/Toonbox area is our best bet. A lot of you are there already or at least close. Zurbrigg is pretty far but I reckon the jog from London to Toronto would be a good little warmup. I'm suggesting we do the Tough Mudder routine twice through, (if we can). You'll all need to bring your weights. If you don't have some, I have extra I can bring. Alicia, I can pick up yours because carrying those 80lb dumb bells to work is bothersome. I'm open for suggestions as far as location. You guys know the location better than me.

What would work best for folks? Lunch hour, after work, weekends, never? Let me know so we can plan. I would suggest a wednesday noon hour to get things started. Maybe the 28th or the 4th?

On a side note I ran a 10km the other day and had my best time ever, (45:05). Here is the Run Keeper link:

I was super happy and surprised at my time. Even though, as my lovely wife stated, I am older. Maybe not quite as old as she mentioned but it goes to show that you can always improve. That being said, the next day my legs ached and I complained like and old man.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Cross-Training Like It's 1994

It's been a couple of years, but I dusted off my Rollerblades last week and have since taken them for a couple of skates around the city. Okay, maybe it isn't the "cool" thing to do anymore, but it's low impact (unless you fall) and still a heck of a lot of fun! As an added bonus it's a great core workout. It forces you to work a lot of those muscle you forgot existed and I'm told it great for developing a sculpted backside.

My lower legs have been in a world of hurt from running too far last weekend (stupid soleus), and I needed a low impact alternative. Blading was the ticket. I can still get a high intensity cardio workout without destroying my legs. For anyone experiencing shin splits or knee pain from too much running I highly recommend it. For the rest of the summer I will be alternating between running and blading.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Someone wants to join our team but we have 20 people. Hmmm

Sheldon, one of the lighters at March, asked me about Tough Mudder and seemed interested in joining our team. He was talking to Alicia about it and he got all excited! (thanks Alicia) BUT we have 20 registered members now. Just checked.

So do we hold fast and true to our 20 person limit?
Should we consider splintering our group into two come Aug 19th as we all have varying levels of speed?(although then everyone can't get Shawn C to pull them up at the half pipe...)

Btw, I totally ran 20k last week total. 10, 4 and 6.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Well, I just finished my last long run before Around the Bay next Sunday.  10km 61min.  I'll do a 5 km durring the week and maybe yoga X (from the P90-X dvds.  Love it!)  On The 25th Kelly and I will be splitting the 30km race. She will do the first 15, I will do the last.  Are you ready Kelly?  I think I am.    On another note, today is Shawns BIRTHDAY!   Wish him a happy 75th!  ;)

Tough Mudder on!


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Chin up bar at Winners for $16.99

Just bought one and it works great. Cheap too! Found it at the Winners on front street just west of the St. Lawrence Market.

Same as this one -

Monday, March 12, 2012

You peeps are AWESOME!!!

I'm just gonna lay it out there. All of you guys are truly awesome and really inspiring. It's amazing what we really have going on here. Good job and keep it up!!!!

P.S. I beat my record this weekend and did 16 floors x 3 in 00:09:33 (walking down). Then I decided to add 10 floors double step just for fun. Gotta start running!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Time To Get Serious

Well, December was a write-off and so was January. And yes, most of February was lacking in the physical activity department. But I've since made it my goal to tear myself away from the computer at least once-a-day for 60 minutes of 'real' exercise. Not always an easy thing to do, especially when I'm on a bug hunt, but necessary, and I feel much better for it (after I'm done the workout that is).

Equally important, I've been focusing on my diet. Let's face it, a diet of coffee and beer just isn't going to cut it for Tough Mudder. I know I don't eat enough calories during the day, even during my more sedentary phases. Yes, I eat healthier foods just not enough of them. Now, I'm really trying hard to take lots of "snack" breaks instead of just "coffee" breaks and although it can be really disruptive to my coding train of thought, it seems to be helping.

Below are my runs for the week. These are in addition to Colbeck-style workouts for all-around conditioning.

5 km - 00:24:00

10 km - 00:49:13 (I really though I had Shawn's time beat on this one - so disappointed)

5.2 km - 00:24:30

21 km - 01:53:47 (My legs shutdown at this point and I struggled to walk the rest of the way home)

And since this blog has gotten far to wordy here's my inspirational video for the day. Yes, this song is on my running playlist and it is an awesome last mile song!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Our team just made it up Mount Everest

Mount Everest, Nepal – 58,070 steps, 3,871 flights

Team stair climb to as of last Wednesday - 3976

Team is : Tyler, Yaleh , Agustin, Alicia/Natasha (our ringers that do more than Agustin muahhaha) and our friend here at Nelvana Kelly Brennan.

Great job guys! Glad to see there's so much activity on the blog too!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Steph is running! (But not as fast as you guys)

I haven't managed to finish a 20 km challenge in a week, but I've been averaging about 10 km per week. Here is what I've done this week so far:

Monday - 3.2 km - 24 mins (treadmill, incline of 3.0)
Tuesday - 3.2 km - 22 mins (treadmill, incline of 3.0)
Wednesday - 5 km - 35 mins ( P.S., I hit stop on runkeeper while I was checking my distance, I kept running for another couple of minutes to make up the 0.1 km. And I had to stop a couple of times.

After I run I usually do a fitness class or just do weights on my own. On Monday I did a 45 minute abs and legs class, Tuesday I did an hour long step aerobics/weights class, and today I'm planning on doing an hour long weights class and a 30 minute tabata class.

That's basically what my workouts consist of. I try to do this at least 4 times a week. Once it gets warmer out (like today) I'll also be running outside instead of on the treadmill. Today is beautiful out, I actually had to take off my jacket while running and I was still warm with just shorts and a tank top on. Yay warm weather!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Done 30km in last 7 days

UPDATE: did 30 KM in 7 days...

Felt bad about failing the 20km challenge. So I first did 6 on Thursday, 8 on Friday, and did a 10 today on Tuesday... 24km so far. Maybe I can sneak in another 6 on Thursday! Btw, the fastest I've done a 5km is 27 minutes. So Shawn and his 21 minutes is going to be way ahead of me during Tough Mudder...

Just completed a 6.17 km run with RunKeeper
Duration 0:35:01

Just completed a 10.02 km run with RunKeeper
Duration 0:56:29

Just completed a 8.08 km run with RunKeeper
Duration 0:49:19

Just completed a 6.27 km run with RunKeeper
Duration 0:35:11

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Stair Sprints

I started doing stair sprints this week in my building. I managed to do 16 floors x3 within 10 minutes (From 2nd to 19th, since there is no 4th, 13th, and 14th floor......crazy asians). I got one word to describe the experience..........BRUTAL!!!! I then followed up with a crossfit style work out consisting of three 6 minute circuits. 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for 6 minutes alternating between two different exercises. Each circuit contains 2 different exercises and one of them is always legs. Finished off with a 10 minute jog or run, depending on how your legs feel.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mobility Project and Foam Rollers

Hey Everyone,

So Chris told me about the Mobility Project a couple of weeks ago, but it wasn't until yesterday that I actually started...and my GOSH does this stuff make a difference.

I don't know if I can describe this properly, but the Mobility Project, (or mobility wod as their blog is called) focuses on the fact that athletes and individuals that train, generally have issues with trigger points/knots that develop, and a limited range of motion. These two things can lead to injury and prevent you from achieving your best. So the guy that does this, Kelley Starrett from San Fransisco Crossfit recorded an exercise every day for 365 days (actually longer since he's still doing it) that helps in addressing these issues. And he's not a hack, he has a Doctor of Physio Therapy and is really good at explaining issues.

You can find episode 1 here:

I also got a foam roller on the weekend and have been using it the past couple of days to work out knots in my back and legs. After doing both the exercise (or WorkoutOftheDay if you will) and the foam roller exercises last night I woke up this morning feeling Fan-freakin-tastic...which doesn't usually happen ever.

Not going to lie foam rolling kills, but it feels amazing after, as do these exercises. Just a little bit of self-torture to help brighten up your day!

(Oh and I got the foam roller from the Running Room.Shawn C. might know where else you can pick one up, I remember him telling about it back in the run club days)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Tyler's workout bonanza!

Hey everyone! So Alicia and I just got in from a workout in the crap weather of today. ( the day the snow storm wasn't )

An update as to what I / we have been up to ...

so every Monday Wednesday Friday we sprint up 72 flights of stairs. 9 floors , 18 flights , elevator back down to the bottom ( running DOWN stairs is for wimps and u fall down and break things with jelly legs.)

Every month we add 9 more floors to our run.
Feb - 9 floors x 4 = 72 flights of stairs.
March - 9 floors x 5 = 90 flights of stairs.
and so on..

Mondays are Legs, so we do 3 sets of something like the following after the stair sprint...

Lunges ( distance )
pushups ( 30 )
jump ups ( 30 )
situps 20, 20 , 20

so legs, arms, legs, abs x3 / stretches

Wednesday we do arms , so - arms, legs, arms, abs x 3 / stretches

Friday we do abs, so - abs, abs, abs, legs, abs, arms x 3 / stretches

I am really finding that the stair running is kicking my ass more than almost everything Shawn threw at us back in the day. The feeling you get in your arms from doing too many pushups, that happens to my legs. They SUCK. If we are going to be running up mount St. Louis moonstone all day though, I think everyone should look into some stair climbing.

Also for fun...
    • Big Ben, England – 632 steps, 42 flights
    • CN Tower, Toronto, Canada – 3,500 steps, 233 flights
    • Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania – 38,680 steps, 2,578 flights
    • Mount Everest, Nepal – 58,070 steps, 3,871 flights

Hey guys and gals!

Tyler is now on board. We can all rest easy.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

20km Challenge: Week 1

I hope you guys and gals have met the challenge for this week. If not, there is still just under 7 hours until the midnight deadline. Get out there and put some km's on those shoes. They miss you.

Here are my numbers.

5km:   21:24
5km:   21:01
10km: 49:02 (
 total:  91:27

Even if you didn't manage to complete the 20km, post your times and then beat them.


Sunday, February 12, 2012

The 20km Challenge

Here's something we can all try. Starting tomorrow, Monday February 13th, and ending Sunday February 19th at midnight I challenge you all to run 20km. I have come up with some simple guidelines for us all to follow...

1. You can break up the 20km however you like through the week.
2. A minimum of 3km MUST be completed at a time, (no 1k sprints).
3. You must keep track of your times and how you broke up the km's.
4. Add up the total time it took to complete the 20km.
5. Post separate times and how you broke up the km's with a grand total of all the times.
6. Beat your time the following week.

Sound good? Not too confusing? Go for it. You could do a big 20km run or 4 - 5km runs. Divide it up anyway way you see fit. Just remember, drink plenty of water before and after and be sure to do a proper warmup and cool down, (stretching after so you're ready for the next run). You don't want to injure yourself and miss training days.

I hope you are all doing the Tough Mudder workout routine as well. It's a killer. Running is only one component to the race. You're going to need the muscular strength as well as endurance to finish.

Look forward to seeing your times next sunday.

                                                artwork by: Bobby Chui (check him out, he's great)


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hey team!  Shawn finally kick my ass into joining the Blog!  Really, I've been meaning to, honest!  I did 10km this am on the tread mill (hate it).  Took me 63min........  So, no I wont be one of the fast ones on our team.  I love the monkey bars my "wonderful" husband built at my request!  Now I can do 4 reps of the monkey bars and I can do 3 chin ups!  He took some very flattering pic's of me this am...... If pictures could talk!  And, yes, I work out in his old underwear!  Is that weird?

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Just completed a 12K!

I drank two pints of McAuslan Cream Ale, and one hour later I went for a run and kept running. I think the beer helped dull the pain. Before my personal best for distance was 8.62 KM so I am pretty psyched!

Just completed a 12.11 km run with RunKeeper
Duration 1:10:36 | Calories Burned 1145
Average Pace 5:50 / km | Average Speed 10.29 km/h | Elevation Climb 166 m
Amazing weather for training this weekend!
The chedoke stairs are a great way to boost up your cardio and practice that uphill climb!
I ran them today,  Only made it up them 3 times but its a start! :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

running stuff

hey guys,

I was looking online as far as running training and found this article:

Those of you who are runners/done running training, I'd love to hear your feedback and if  you agree with the training exercises that it outlines

Also, this is pretty cool site:
I never know what to wear when I'm running outside, and we all know what a princess I am when it comes to temperature. The website below allows you to enter in the temperature wind etc. and suggests what'd be good to wear depending if you like to keep cool or warm. It's not bible, but I've found it to be a good guideline, especially for colder weather running.,7152,s6-240-325-330-0,00.html

this little runt went to market...

Here's the facts:
I'm the smallest person out of our group (ie. the runt-y-est)
I have a huge mental block I need to get over of "I can't"

I just came back from a run..according to Google maps I did 6 k
3K from my work to Cherry Beach. 3K back.

Did I have to walk between stretches of running to catch my breath...yes.
was it painful and windy..yes
But I effing did it! *happy dance!!!!!*

And I walked 3.8 k to work this morning, and I'll be doing the same walk home.
I think there's hope for me yet..


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Training Races

Hey Gang,

If anyone else is interested, Steph and I were planning on doing some pre-mudder training race(s) to help us get into shape for the race to end all races and to have concrete milestones that will help us focus our training. We've found two possible events that take place late spring/early summer that offer the perfect opportunity:

Sporting Life 10k marathon Sunday May 13th, 2012
This is a 10k run, takes place May 13th 2012. Registration is 40$ until Feb 28th and all the registration money goes to help send kids to camp. Also a perfect milestone to make sure you're ready for the running portion of the Tough Mudder.

Toronto Spartan 5K sprint Sunday June 24th, 2012
This is basically a mini Tough Mudder. Registration is 45 - 65$ depending on when and how many people register. 5km instead of 17km, but it would at least give us an idea of what to expect on the big day and help you evaluate where you may still need some extra focus in your training. Average race time is 30 min - 1 hour, if I remember correctly. You also get a medal at the end.

Steph and I are going to sign up for the Spartan Sprint early next week, since we want a little bit of a head's up on what we're getting into. Spread the word if you want to do this too, and we can make a Colbeck's Kids team there as well and then a bunch of us can do the race together.

We're also thinking about doing the 10k run, but that decision will be made in the next couple weeks as I start to get back into training (Steph is already training hard) and figure out if I'll be ready for a 10k in May or not. That`s all I got for now, but definitely let me know if you'd also want to do the Spartan Race.

Mud in your eye,

Other Shawn

I hope you guys are running tonight... great weather!

I actually just got back from a run and received this email... I am sitting shirtless at my computer much like Shawn on his monkey bars, but imagine more hair and less muscles. I've basically been going for a 6 km run once a week, when the nice weather pops out... and I've been using runkeeper to track my progress!

My progress so far .....

Hey gang! Great idea Shawn.
This is about the extent of my training right now.
This and changing diapers.
Is there a diaper changing part of the course?

Let it Begin

I was talking with Tyler a couple of weeks ago and he came up with an awesome idea. He thought a great way to stay in touch and update everyone with their training progress would be to create a blog. After a mere two weeks of sitting on my butt I have done just that. Everyone that is registered and PAID will be a member of the blog with the ability to post. Whether it be pictures, videos or just a sentence or two to egg on your teammates. Its also a great way to avoid e-mail threads that get into the 100's for replies, (humerous as they may be). 

I will open myself up for ridicule first by posting this picture. This was taken about a week ago. My wife asked me to make some monkey bars for the garage so she could practice, (I get the sense she isn't looking forward to them in the race). They work well but they work even better when its -7, you open the garage door and take off your shoes, socks and shirt. This is training for the Tough Mudder right? I must admit, I did wuss out a little be wearing the gloves. I just didn't want my skin to stick on the bars. The black bar is over my chest cause this is a family blog. Let's keep it clean. Well, as clean as you can for the Tough Mudder.